The Daughter Chronicles

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Let's quote Norah some more!

It's been a while since I quoted the younger daughter, so let's fire it up!

Today I put her in the car to drive to the swimming pool (ours is still too cold - the weather here in the desert has been very weird, as it hit 100 degrees last Friday but then cooled off considerably over the weekend; the water can't get any warmer with the weird spikes and dips in temperature) and she told me to put the air conditioning on. She said, "It smells hot in here." You know what? She was right.

Later she collected all her animals together on the sofa and was talking to them as if she was the teacher and they were the class (she does this quite often). She told them they could sing one of two songs. She said they could sing a horse song or a cat song. In a warning tone, she explained, "It has a cat in it." Well, thanks, Norah. I know I was confused!

Next time you visit someplace where the temperature is a bit high, make sure to tell your host that it smells hot in there. I'm sure that will go over well!


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