The Daughter Chronicles

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Another journey to the Eastern wastes!

On 5 July the Burgas family got on a plane and flew to Newark airport, and thence to Pennsylvania to visit our families. We stayed with my parents, but Krys and Norah did spend a night up in Pottsville, where my in-laws live. We had a good time, even though it was almost as hot as Arizona. It's a good thing global warming doesn't exist, or we'd really be in trouble!

On Friday and Saturday (6-7 July) we went to New York with my sister and her kids. We decided to leave Mia with my parents, because she wouldn't have liked it and riding the subway is not the most wheelchair-friendly thing in the world. We went to the Met on Friday and the Museum of Natural History on Saturday, because Norah wanted to see the museums and we figured it would be easier staying in one place than wandering around a lot, given the limited time we had. Norah enjoyed both museums - she liked the Egypt stuff at the Met and the dinosaur section at the Museum of Natural History - and my nephew and niece weren't all that annoying, as they certainly can be. We had dinner with my cousin, who lives in New York, and it was nice to see her. All in all, it was a pleasant few days.

On Tuesday we went to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia - we figured the kids would enjoy it because it's a bit more interactive than the two museums in New York. We took Mia, but while we were there she pooped, so I had to take her home early (we didn't have an extra diaper) - luckily we took two cars because we had so many people. The Franklin Institute is always fun - there's a giant heart that people can walk through, there a Foucault's pendulum, and there's quite a lot of stuff kids can play with. My sister's kids were still around (my sister had to go to work, but her kids stayed with my parents a few extra days), so Norah had fun with them.

On Wednesday we drove up to Pottsville to see Krys' parents. We took Mia, but she and I didn't stay overnight, because it's too much of a hassle. Krys and Norah spent the night there, and Krys got to see her best friend, which was nice for her. Norah got to play in a creek, which is quite the rarity here in the Basin, so I think she had a gran old time too.

Finally, on Saturday we went up to Easton to check out the Crayola "Experience", which is the old factory where the crayons used to be made. Now it's just a place to learn about crayons and draw a lot, so Norah had a fun day. Mia actually enjoyed herself, too, which is always neat. She claimed she wanted to go home all the time, but she also got to paint and draw some stuff, and while she was doing that, she actually didn't whine about going home. We'll take it!

Krys and I got to go out with people, too, which is always a good thing. Generally, it was a pretty relaxing stay. I think Krys relaxed, too, which is good because she always has trouble with that at home - she always thinks of something else she could do! She had nothing to do in PA, though, so she calmed down. Good times!

It's always nice to go on vacation, and in a few weeks, Krys and Norah are going to Disneyland for a few days, so maybe that will be relaxing too. I don't know when we're going to get back to Pennsylvania with the kids, so I was glad we were able to see so much and so many people. Everyone likes seeing the kids!


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