The Daughter Chronicles

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Odds and ends

Man, time just gets away from me all the time!

Friday, 22 June was Norah's seventh birthday. Man, I'm getting old. I started writing this blog before she was born, after all. I don't update it enough, but that's still a long time. She had a nice weekend - she had a little birthday celebration at her "summer school" (it's more like a camp at which they sometimes do actual school work) - and on Saturday she had a party at Little Gym (the pictures of which are below). On Sunday Krys took her to see Brave, which she enjoyed even though parts of it were a bit scary (I guess the mom turns into a bear, which frightened Norah just a bit). She got an American Girl doll among her presents, and it has instantly become her favorite doll EVAH. She got a few other very nice presents and generally had a grand time. It's hilarious inviting boys to a girl's party - when the mothers call to R.S.V.P., they have to ask if other boys are going to be there, because their son can't be the only one!!!! Kids are awesome.

Mia has been having a rough few weeks, unfortunately. She's been really constipated, and because she was at summer school and camp so much, we kind of got behind trying to treat it aggressively. She's also eating hardly any solid food these days, so we think that makes her stool a bit mushy and she doesn't show her usual signs of trying to get it out, which are pretty obvious. So we forgot that she hadn't pooped in a while, and that made her sick. She has been throwing up pretty consistently over the past few weeks, even after we got her to poop a few times and clean some of it out of her system. Her doctor said that she probably still has quite a bit inside her, so we're trying even harder to get it out of her. Instead of giving her suppositories, we're giving her a lot of Milk of Magnesia - 120 ml twice a day. If you don't know how much that is, well, it's 4 fluid ounces, or half a cup two times a day. We were told to do that for three days and see what happens, and we really, really hope it works. Mia's lost a little weight and she seems kind of miserable recently - she's tired, the terrible heat (June was more awful than usual) is bothering her, and the constipation may be causing her gag reflex to work overtime, so we're even scared to brush her teeth in the fear that she's going to puke. If the Milk of Magnesia doesn't work ... well, that won't be fun at all.

Last week she got measured for a leg splint, which we hope will help her problems with stretching it out. The Botox and the muscle relaxant has helped, but we think keeping her leg stretched all the time will really help her. The orthotic guy is very good, and I'm hoping to get the splint before school starts (8 August) so she can start wearing it. I've gotten her leg almost all the way stretched while she's lying on her bed, but you can see how tenuous it is - she's always just a tiny moment of distress away from pulling her legs up to her chest. The splint will keep it stretched, of course, which might help her brain recognize that having a straight leg isn't the worst thing in the world.

We're heading to Pennsylvania on Thursday to see the grandparents and others; we're going to New York on Friday with my sister and her kids, and I have a feeling Norah will love Manhattan. We're also going to visit the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia; Mia won't be joining us in New York (we don't think she'll enjoy it at all, and we're staying overnight, so it would be a total hassle), but we think she'll enjoy the Franklin Institute. It's always fun visiting the grandparents, so I'm sure we'll have fun ... as long as Mia can stay regular!


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